Jay Dias

My name is Jay, I’m the quintessential father of cats and a home body that rivals all home bodies. I like coffee, video games, long naps on the beach and crisp weather. I’ve been piercing since 2010 and have moved multiples times to work with Aileen. Once she left me in Oregon for a few years, it wasn’t cool. Just like magnets, or whatever ICP said. I love teeny tiny ear work as well as large gauge genital piercings. I’m also a big fan of large gauge ear piercing, and all things yellow gold. I’m color blind so don’t ask me if something is pink, I’ll always just guess. LOL Bismarck ND isn’t the place I’d have guessed would be my home growing up, but here I am. Happy as a bear in a blanket (as long as it’s not the hot summer)