Anthony Elliott III Guest Spot!
We have the very cute & very talented Anthony Elliott (@aelliott2) coming out from Minnesota.
He already secretly booked his spots before we could post, but come in and just look at him.
Keep an eye out for future posts about him coming back…he will be back..we will make him come back 🖤🎃🗡️
Alchemist welcomes Craig & Tori.
These two are moving from Illinois to North Dakota come this June.
Keep an eye out for more information 😊
Guest Artist - Craig St. Peter
We have a guest artist coming in December. @deadcrown_ will be making the trek from Illinois, hit him up (deadcrowntattoo@gmail.com) to snag your spot. We are so booked up that this is a great opportunity to get in with us before the end of the year! (And get tattooed from this sweet mullet wearing dude)
New Location!
Just a few more days until we open. Are you all ready for Saturday??? We will be offering discounted tattoo deposits and 25% off all jewelry in the cases. No piercing on open day but we will be doing jewelry inserts. We want to see as many faces as possible and show off all of our hard work.
Guest Artist | Lord Agular!
Lord Agular will be Guest Spotting in our studio December 2nd-8th!
To snag a spot with him please email c.chase.tattoo@gmail.com
Alchemist tattoo crew will be joined by Ryan Sager and Rick LaCapria at the Minneapolis tattoo arts convention this Jan 11-13th. The studio will be closed those days but if you’re looking to have a piercing done Aileen can be contacted via Facebook to book an appointment for Thursday or Friday. If you’re in the area swing by and say hi! For more info on the convention check here http://villainarts.com/tattoo-conventions-villain-arts/minneapolis-tattoo-arts-convention/
Online Purchasing Coming soon!
We have had a lot of requests to ship out our merch for people that don't live in the area, so we decided to make it a little more stream line for you guys.
The online store will include everything we sell her in store besides healing ointment.
This includes:
- Prints
- T-Shirts
- Beanies & Hats
- Zip- Up Sweatshirts
The online store should be live by April 2017!
Ryan "Catfish" Sager, December guest artist
We have an awesome artist from SLC coming up to guest with us this month, Ryan Sager. He'll be taking appointments and walk-ins December 6th through the 14th. Stop in and check him out or call to check his availability.