Alchemist tattoo crew will be joined by Ryan Sager and Rick LaCapria at the Minneapolis tattoo arts convention this Jan 11-13th. The studio will be closed those days but if you’re looking to have a piercing done Aileen can be contacted via Facebook to book an appointment for Thursday or Friday. If you’re in the area swing by and say hi! For more info on the convention check here http://villainarts.com/tattoo-conventions-villain-arts/minneapolis-tattoo-arts-convention/


Online Purchasing Coming soon!

We have had a lot of requests to ship out our merch for people that don't live in the area, so we decided to make it a little more stream line for you guys. 
The online store will include everything we sell her in store besides healing ointment.
This includes:

  • Prints
  • T-Shirts
  • Beanies & Hats
  • Zip- Up Sweatshirts

The online store should be live by April 2017!